The RO4C Family Welcomes: Doug Kane
Doug Kane, along with his wife Gail, have been loyal supporters of the RO4C year after year. The Kanes are both beloved regulars of Mama G’s who were sadly blindsided this past April 15th with the news no one ever wants to hear as Doug was diagnosed with Stage 4 Advanced Metastatic Lung Cancer.
In addition to the mass in and around his right lung, they also found several spots on his lymph nods, as well as some spots on his lower spine and his left adrenal gland. The plan was made to start a chemo/immunotherapy regimen right away, with Doug’s first infusion already the first week of May, followed by another three weeks later.
After another three weeks, Doug will have scans to determine how the regimen is working with the hopes of following up with another two infusions of the same combination of drugs at the same three week intervals.
The goal, of course, is to get Doug healthy enough for the doctors to be able to keep his cancer at bay with a less lethal maintenance program.
Please join us for our 6th Annual RO4C Charity Motorcycle Run on September 7th to show Doug and his family the love and support that the RO4C and it’s loyal supporters are famous for!